> No idea... I will have to check it out. Perhaps different revision
> ZIP drives handle format requests differently. I can't make mine
> format... how long does your take to format?
About two minutes. I had no problem with formatting using drives with
the following firmware revisions: E.0809/05/96 (that's an internal SCSI
drive) and J.0305/29/97 (that's an external parallel drive).
> Ah... OK. I was under the impression ZIP disks didn't have a grown
> table. I will have to check this out...
Yes, they do and the drives I used defaulted to auto-remap sectors.
-- + Maciej W. Rozycki, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland + +--------------------------------------------------------------+ + e-mail: macro@ds2.pg.gda.pl, PGP key available +
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