Timing on your Dual Pentium II

Michael Mess (michael@kawo2.rwth-aachen.de)
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 21:08:08 +0200


I saw that you have a Dual Pentium II machine, too.

Could you please try out, how long a

sleep 10

lasts? On my machine it lasts 55 seconds. Strange, isn't it?
To try out, please use a separate clock, because when I try out things

date; sleep 10 ; date

I will get a difference of 10 seconds between the dates, in spite of the
fact it needs 55 seconds to finish...

I have got a Dual Pentium II 400 with linux 2.2.6 SMP kernel.
My mainboard is an Asus P2B-DS.

Greetings, Michael

PS: Maybe, my machine is really fast, but I don't believe in
relativistic effects... ;-)

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