Have you ever actually bothered to learn C or read the standards
documents? This isn't the first time you've demonstrated your
ignorance about fairly basic C behavior.
This is not a 'bug' that gcc fixes. All properly
standard-compliant C compilers behave this way because it is the
defined standard behavior for the assignment operator.
To quote the C Reference Manual (which is also the ANSI C
Standard document) in _The C Programming Language, Second
Edition_ by Kernighan and Ritchie:
A7.17 Assignment Expressions
There are several assignment operators; all group right-to-left.
unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression
assignment-operator: one of
= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
All require an lvalue as left operand, and the lvalue must be
modifiable: it must not be an array, and must not have an
incomplete type, or be a function. Also, its type must not be
qualified with const; if it is a structure or union, it must not
have any member or recursivly, submember qualified with const.
The type of an assignment expression is that of its left
operand, and the value is the value stored in the left operand
after the assignment has taken place.
So an assignment expression does have a value, and consequently
can be legally used as a conditional expression in if, while, do,
or for statements.
In the future, Richard, please trouble yourself to do some real
research rather than treating your personal opinions as
incontrovertible facts.
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