[WAY OFFTOPIC] Re: fork() Problem?
Arvind Sankar (arvinds@mit.edu)
Fri, 7 May 1999 01:02:31 -0400
On Thu, May 06, 1999 at 01:33:26AM -0400, Steve Willer wrote:
> Lint is telling you that you've probably made a mistake, in that you
> probably intended to do a comparison. The note about extra parentheses
> has nothing to do with "extra sequence points", but as a way of telling
> *lint* that you don't want it to complain about this. You can add 1, 5 or
> 500 parentheses and it won't change the result of the expression.
The way this thread is going, I figured nobody could mind this minor nit:
iirc, the compiler isn't required to support more than 32 nesting levels
of parentheses or something.
> If you wish to call it bad practice, that's fine. But don't call it a
> compiler bug, because it's not.
-- arvind
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