Re: Ken Thompson interview in IEEE Computer magazine (fwd)

Tim Smith (
Fri, 7 May 1999 06:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 4 May 1999, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:
> > Yup. I would hate to see SplashSnotters running amok and filling Ken's
> > mailbox with (ahem) indignant (ahem) replies.
> Its on linuxtoday now and its probably only a matter of time
> before it hits slashdot... the full interview is at

It was on slashdot a couple of days ago, and the commentary there was as
idiotic as one would expect. E.g., Thompson is bitter that Linux has
completely overshadowed Plan 9 and he can't accept that a 21 year old kid
did a better job with the Unix idea than Thompson was able to do with all
the power of AT&T behind him. (And that example is not even from some
random slashdot anonymous's from a well known Linux advocate).

--Tim Smith

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