> Rainer Clasen wrote:
> >
> > Shaw Carruthers (shaw@shawc.demon.co.uk):
> >
> > > I have now identified a hard error which I can reproduce in about 1
> > > minute.
> > >
> > > May 6 16:19:58 leaf kernel: sym53c860-0-<4,0>: phase change 2-3
> > > 6@07feba45 resid=2.
> > >
> > > This occurs at the same place each time I try to copy from the FAT32
> > > partition to ide tape.
> >
> > confirmed. It works, too. I copied 2.2.7's sources to the partition a few
> > times. If I there wasn't an error during writing I read the copies with tar
> > -cf - | cat > /dev/null - which failed by guarante.
> >
> No ide tape involved , so my latest theory falls.
> If the error occurs on read access to the device, why can't the scsi driver
> just reset and continue, like the IDE driver does when it gets errors?
For the simple reason that it is not an error, but just the driver seeing
some unusual device behaviour that is quite SCSI compliant, but may reveal
some problem because it is _unusual_ behaviour. That's the reason, the
driver is warning user when it detects such a condition.
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