More Andre IDE "golf" testing

Dax Kelson (
Tue, 11 May 1999 12:20:59 -0600 (MDT)

For the past 20 hours I've been stressing disk IO mightly on a machine
(Pentium 120 with 64MB ram) with Andre's patches.

motherboard ide controller:
hda: Samsung EIDE drive
hdc: 4x IDE CDROM

promise ultra66 controller:
hde: IBM 22GB Ultra66 drive

I had these tasks running continuously and simultaneously:

1. moving a 200MB file back and forth between hde and hda
2. copying about 400MB of 3-5MB sized files between hde and hda
3. copying about 300MB of small files between hda and hde
4. copying 200MB of 3-5MB sized files from hdc (cdrom) to hda
5. copying 200MB of 3-5MB sizes files from hdc (cdrom to hde
6. FTP putting a 200MB file onto hda
7. FTP putting a 200MB file onto hde
8. find /

The machine ran great with no IDE problems. I did turn up another bug in
the latest RealTek 8139 driver. After about an hour the machine locked
with ethernet errors. I replaced the ethernet card with a generic ISA
NE2000 card and continued the testing without incident.

In short, the new IDE "golf" drivers performed great with no errors
during the testing. During the 20 hours, I moved about 520GB of data

Also, of note, the 2.2.7 kernel has superb interactive feel under heavy
load. It would seem to "pause" when I would start a new task, but would
come responsive again 45-60 seconds later.

Dax Kelson

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