> Brian wrote the following:
> >
> > What is the best solution for those that need more than 1024 file
> > descriptors on 2.2.8? Is their a patch set?
> I believe an ac patch would do this for you. Should be in the
> people/alan dir on any kernel mirror (or somewhere like that).
Thanks, I am assuming the ac4 patch for 2.2.7 is what I want. Do I need
to cat anything into /proc or are the file descriptor limits just set by
ulimit? I guess what I am trying to get at, is once I patch with ac4, is
their anything I have to do to set the high watermark for file
Thanks for the help,
> --
> CaT (cat@zip.net.au) URL: http://www.zip.com.au/dev/null
> For a bad joke read:
> http://www2.hunterlink.net.au/~ddhrg/censorship_legislation.html
Brian Feeny (BF304) signal@shreve.net
318-222-2638 x 109 http://www.shreve.net/~signal
Network Administrator ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
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