Re: Sound problems in 2.2.7 and 2.2.8?
rene.rebe (
Sat, 15 May 1999 18:16:27 +0200
Tim Smith wrote:
> I've been seeing random sound failures with 2.2.7 and 2.2.8. I ran 2.2.1
> for a long time with no such problems. The problem is sound stops working,
> and I get "kernel: Sound error: Couldn't allocate DMA buffer" in my logs,
> or "kernel: DMA memory shortage. Temporarily falling back on virtual DMA".
> It usually works if I try again a little later, although once it remained
> broken until I rebooted.
> Anyone else see this? I'm using a SoundBlaster 32.
> --Tim Smith
I'm using a SoundBlaster AWE 64 and had the same problem yesterday.
After freeing the memory (closing all X-programs and the X-Server) sound was
ok again.
Rene´ Rebe
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