-----Original Message-----
From: Burt Holzman <bnh@iname.com>
To: jhawley@creaf.com <jhawley@creaf.com>
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 1999 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Dual Processor
>Jacob Hawley wrote:
>> Has anyone gotten an ES1371 (SB-PCI) working on SMP? Does anyone know a
>> friend that has gotten it working? If so can you have them email me their
>> system config jhawley@creaf.com
>We bought an SMP machine from ASL with a SB 128. Here's the specs --
>let me know what other info you may need.
>2 500Mhz Pentium IIIs
>Asus p2B-DS
>Adaptec 7890 Ultra 2 Wide SCSI-3 Controller
>512 Mb RAM
>SB 128 PCI
>RH 5.2 + upgraded kernel (2.2.5-ac1)
>- B
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