Dax Kelson wrote:
> Justin Mecham said once upon a time (Mon, 17 May 1999):
> > I'm having problems with what I believe is IP_MASQ and ssh/telnet... If I
> > open a telnet or ssh session to my server behind my ip_masq box, it
> > disconnects me after and some idle time. I haven't timed it so I'm not sure
> > if it is the same all the time. If I do tail -f /some/file and leave it it
> > won't connect me as long as data comes through, or if I'm in ncftp
> > downloading something or wget. I'm using 2.2.3 on my masq server.
> man ipchains
> -S, --set tcp tcpfin udp
> Change the timeout values used for masquerading. This
> command always takes 3 parameters, representing the
> timeout values (in seconds) for TCP sessions, TCP sessions
> after receiving a FIN packet, and UDP packets, respectively.
> A timeout value 0 means that the current timeout value of
> the corresponding entry is preserved. This option is only
> allowed in combination with the -M flag.
> Dax Kelson
> -
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