Re: access to proc filesystem from chrooted process
Arvind Sankar (
Sat, 22 May 1999 10:53:19 -0400
On Fri, May 21, 1999 at 03:14:31PM +0100, Riley Williams wrote:
> Are you referring to some means of mounting /proc so it appears
> visible to ALL processes no matter where they're chroot'd to? If so,
> I'd love to know how.
> Sure, I know that the proc file system does not have to be mounted
> over /proc (although it usually is), but I'd love to know how to mount
> it so that it's visible to two processes that are respectively
> chroot'd as follows:
> 1. /home/ftp (aka ~ftp)
> 2. /usr/mirrors (aka ~mirrors)
> As you can see, there are no common subdirectories between those two
> processes...
don't need any. proc can be mounted any number of times.
-- arvind
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