Re: [patch] releasing kernel lock during copy_from/to_user [Re: 2.3.3_andrea2 & 2.2.9_andrea1 [was R

Jakub Jelinek (
Sat, 22 May 1999 20:19:45 +0200

> My patch was wrong... it was deadlocking in reaquire_kernel_lock if for
> some reason there would be a fault during the copy_from/to_user (I
> easily catched the deadlock by disassembling the .text.lock region).

Yes, I was wondering how you could say in the last mail it works (unless it
was on UP).

But anyway, I don't think it is a good idea to put this stuff into the
uaccess routines themselves. It is easy solution, yes, but will put a lot of
bloat into the kernel. It is common to do several copy_from_user or to_user
calls in a row (in that case it would for each one lock/unlock the
kernel_lock), or it is common to do them outside of kernel lock guarded code
(in which case it is really bloat - two additional conditionals, two memory
settings and several bytes especially for the spinlock/unlock code).

What I'd propose is moving as much uaccess stuff as possible before the
kernel lock guarded areas (many syscalls could be changed like that without
much pain IMHO - e.g. if we provide two additional namei/lnamei calls which
take the in-kernel argument only (ie. acquired by getname() already), then a
lot of syscalls which start like

could be changed to
x = getname();

and so you would not have to go back and forth with acquiring/releasing
kernel master lock.

Jakub Jelinek | |
Administrator of SunSITE Czech Republic, MFF, Charles University
UltraLinux | |
Linux version 2.3.1 on a sparc64 machine (1343.49 BogoMips)

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