[OT] Re: Linux name in BAD taste

Alex Buell (alex.buell@tahallah.demon.co.uk)
Sat, 22 May 1999 18:27:00 +0100 (BST)

On Sat, 22 May 1999, Menion wrote:

> It was very bad. *laugh* I saw it, it was... disgusting. They
> apparently were allowing anyone to post anything, and it was a bunch of
> like, 13 year old pucks who wanted to say 'pussy', and 'fuck' because
> thier parents said it was bad.

Damn hacker-wannabes. These cerebrally-anally-challenged in desperate need
of a lobotomy idiots are giving Linux a bad name. I recently had an
experienced high-end UNIX developer complain to me about a bunch of losers
in a newsgroup slagging off STREAMS because they did not understand the
real reaons why STREAMS is not in the Linux kernel. Quote "STREAMS must
suck if it's not in Linux" unquote. Bunch of brain-dead wankers indeed.

"The bible was written by the same people who thought the world was flat!"


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