> What do you think about this ? I think it is dangerous to let some companies
> such as M-Systems or IGEL infringing the GPL.
> [M-systems provides binary only Linux drivers which are statically linked to
> the kernel (because there are needed to boot). They simulate a block device
> with flash memory ("disk-on-chip") using proprietary and patented algorithms.
> At least one company (IGEL) is using them in commercial Linux based products.]
> Richard Stallman wrote:
> > > I agree. But the M-systems drivers are NOT MODULES. They are STATICALLY
> linked
> > > to the kernel. So this is clearly illegal according to the GPL. I think
> > > Richard Stallman may be interested to hear that.
> > That is clearly a violation of the GPL. However, the FSF can't
> > do anything to enforce the terms for using Linux, because only
> > the copyright holders of Linux have legal standing to do that.
Okay, maybe we can grant copyright of some part of core kernel code to
FSF. Anyone who does have code in kernel core should be able to grant
their copyright to FSF. [I'd volunteer, but my only bigger piece of
code in kernel is nbd ;-)]
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