Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Register Linux

david parsons (
Mon, 24 May 1999 19:54:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 22 May 1999, Leonardo Marques de Souza wrote:

> Helo,
> I would like to know, any one (one each country, depending of law)
> can register "linux" to deny others ,in the same country, to sell
> CDs, Disks, Books with "Linux" inside??
> A enterprise in Brazil, are trying to register "linux" to deny
> others to sell CD with mark "Linux" subscribed on CD.
Um...last I checked Linus Torvalds did hold the trademark on the world
Linux when pertaining to the kernel known as Linux. There was some smuck
who tried to do this in the U.S. Eventually he did back down. And so
Linus does have a trademark on it.

> For example:
> If i try to sell CDs with name "Linux UlaUla" i can't !!!!
> olny with name "UlaUla OS" or "OSx"or others name without "Linux"
> in.....
> Its'possible!!??? "Linux" name is not a international trendmark
> of Linus or Gnu?
I'm not quite sure there is such a thing as an "international trademark".
Also I am not sure if the Berne Convention covers trademarks(I think it
might but I could be wrong, maybe there is some other treaty that covers


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