Re: access to proc filesystem from chrooted process

Riley Williams (rhw@MemAlpha.CX)
Wed, 26 May 1999 17:59:42 +0100 (GMT)

Hi whoever.

On Wed, 26 May 1999, Nobody exists wrote:

>> My analysis states that without the /etc/fstab file, no further
>> filesystems can be mounted, so even if the mount command is present,
>> the user will not be able to mount any further copies of the proc
>> filesystem (or any other filesystem) inside the chroot trap, and thus
>> that such a non-root user has no means to access anything in the proc
>> filesystem.

> Why not mount proc before the chroot? You could do this at
> system bootup, or just before the chroot, and it would seem to
> solve your problems...

*I* do *NOT* want /proc available within the chroot - that's the whole
point of my question!!!

The claim made was that a hacker who hacks into a chroot trap can
mount proc and use it to get out of the chroot trap, and I can't see
how such can be done, hence the question...

Best wishes from Riley.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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