Re: i386/RTC: old problem, new solution?

Jamie Lokier (
Wed, 26 May 1999 15:23:32 +0200

Regarding RTC timezones and APM,

Richard Gooch wrote:
> The problem is that the Dell Inspiron 3200 slows down the
> system even before the kernel can allow the suspend event. This makes
> the RTC measurement take several seconds.
> Even without the Inspiron problem, you get up to 1 second error. This
> accumulates for every suspend/resume cycle. Close and open your laptop
> 10 times a day and you lose 10 seconds a day. Stephen is working on a
> better measurement algorithm.

Why is this a problem, given that timezones are always on 1/N hour
boundaries? [where N is some value like 2, 4 or 6 that I don't know ;-) ]

Can't we round the measured value to the nearest boundary?

-- Jamie

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