Hard coding default COM3/4 IRQ.

Mike A. Harris (mharris@ican.net)
Fri, 28 May 1999 13:54:06 -0400 (EDT)

Could someone please let me know how to change the _DEFAULT_ COM3
and COM4 IRQ for the linux kernel? I could probably find it
easily enough by hunting through the source, but if someone could
just let me know it would be a bit easier.

Also, it would be nice if this were a CONFIG option. Now I know
it is easily rectified in userland by using the setserial
program, and that is how I do it, however with various new
installations out there, I often forget to configure the com IRQ,
and as such the modem wont work.

Also, why doesn't Linux automatically configure the IRQ on the
COM port? I'm not complaining, however every single installation
of Windows 95 I've seen yet, has miraculously and transparently
configured the COM IRQ. This leads me to believe that there is a
safe and consistent way of determining what IRQ a given COM port

Is there any technical reason for not autoprobing serial IRQ's?
Does a kernel patch to do this exist? Does any of this sound
like it might be possible to throw into 2.2.x? What about 2.3.x?

Thanks a bundle in advance!

Mike A. Harris                   Linux advocate      GNU advocate
Computer Consultant                          Open Source advocate  

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...

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