> Hi Dave.
> > Currently running RH6.0 and kernel 2.2.5-15.
> > I would think that some others are having this trouble too. I
> > still have kernel versions 2.2.6, 2.2.8 and had just installed
> > 2.3.2. I was running 2.3.2 before upgrading from RH5.2 to 6.0
> > and 2.2.5-15. Now, only 2.2.5-15 is listed in lilo.conf, and
> > the entire system is running fine. Great! Have been trying to
> > install 2.3.2 and lilo keeps saying that the kernel is too big.
> > Just for kicks I tried to resurrect 2.2.8 by just modifying
> > lilo.conf and re-runing lilo... hmmmmmm.... kernel too big. WTF!
> > I did *NOT* recompile the kernel.
> > Anyone have similar problem?
> I reported a similar problem back when 2.0.34 was current, and the
> discussion then indicated that the problem was connected with the BIOS
> restriction on booting from within the first 1023 cylinders.
> Since then, I've always made /boot a partition of its own, located
> well within that 1023 cylinder limit, and every file mentioned in the
> /etc/lilo.conf configuration file is in that partition. I've had no
> problems since I started doing that.
Thank you. I will remember this next time I do an install.
I know that I have more than 1023 cyl too... (9gb scsi) Although I have
the drive partitioned into 5 slices for the major dirs... I wonder if lilo
is trying to pull vmlinux from the end of the drive and that is what
causes the error.
On second thought no... my /boot dir is off of the root partition
/dev/sda5. All 300M of it is inside the 1023 cyl mark. Has to be..
/dev/sda1 is only a 500M dos partition. (dosemu and novell client) I have
linux/arch/i386/boot/Makefile modified to rename the prev system.map and
kernels to backups and copy the new ones in, make symlinks and run lilo.
I have used this technique on all of the kernels I have ever installed and
have had no problems.
The only thing I can get from this, as Alan said, is that the new
version (21) of lilo has a lower threshold on the kernel size be it
z-compressed or bz'd. This leads to the final question... why?
And why is the 2.2.5-15 kernel supplied with RH6 weighing in at a hefty
617K work with lilo and 2.3.2 at 471K doesn't?!?!?!
Back where I started... slightly confused.
> Best wishes from Riley.
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
> | development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
> | in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
> | else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> * ftp://ftp.MemAlpha.cx/pub/rhw/Linux
> * http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html
Dave Helton, KD0YU - dave@businessisgood.com - http://www.kd0yu.com
Real World Computing - 319-386-4041 - 8am-5pm CST
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