This sounds like what our infamous German lawyer is/was doing, registering
the name "Explorer" in respect to software. No, he doesn't sue MS, they are
already paying royalties to him.
What he does, and apparently this even works, is he sues companies, who
have a link for downloading any software called "Explorer" (most notably
this Netscape clone, what was it called again) for, in some cases, a couple
thousand DM.
'sue' is perhaps the wrong word, we call it Abmahnung, it's a kind of
'legal warning', allowing the charge of a lawyers fee.
This is the same person who bought computers, and 'sued' the small shops,
when he discovered that the word 'Triton' was displayed upon boot (this
Intel chipset). It seemed, that there was a company called 'Tricon', and
according to his reasoning, there was a danger of mistaking one for the
other. No, he didn't talk to Intel. He ripped off the small computer
eggheads who didn't even know such a law existed.
> "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced."
> - Anonymous' restatement of Clarke
"Any magic indistinguishable from technology may just be 'just
Read Isaac Asimov's "Magic". There, this statement is torn apart quite
cleverly. (talking about 'who is the fairest in the land' and videophones)
-- _ciao, Jens_______________________________ http://www.pinguin.conetix.deAnyone comfortable with using Linux shall use it. | "I'm afraid Linux has a Anyone wanting to tell other people what they | year-429496 problem" should be using can go work for Microsoft. | -- Kernel mailing list
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