Re: CD or iso9660 buglet?
Kernel Stuffs (
Sun, 30 May 1999 13:50:20 +0100
On Fri, May 28, 1999 at 11:59:04AM +0100, Riley Williams wrote:
> Hi there.
> There appears to be a buglet either in the ATAPI CD driver or in the
> iso9660 file system code. Perhaps somebody better placed than I can
> check this out...
> The situation is that a CD that I created on my CD-RW drive, where all
> files can be read fine under Win95, loses some files under RedHat 6.0
> and the 2.2.5-15 kernel supplied with it.
> The files in question are those right at the end of the CD, so I
> suspect a problem connected with the read-ahead system, along the
> lines of it's trying to read beyond the end of the CD, and when it
> can't, it also fails to return the last few blocks on the CD itself,
> thus producing apparently corrupted files.
I have seen this effect on a lot of CD's and also getting files with
lots of ??????.????? in the name. The problem of truncated directories
I fixed by passing the cruft option. The other problem I have never
decided whether my CD-ROM is wearing out or not as a umount/mount
fixes the problem.
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