I did a quick check of the code and I don't see how these messages
could be happening. I've released devfs-patch-v106 which makes
<devfs_register> a bit more verbose in an aid to tracking this down.
I've tried plain 2.3.4-pre2 + devfs-patch-v106 on a dual PII with
striped devices, and I don't see those messages.
I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is that you're applying the
devfs and RAID patches together. Last I heard, they are incompatible.
Jason Lavoie is the current devfs+RAID maintainer. He munges the devfs
patch so that it works for Linus-kernel+RAID-patch, and passes it on
to me so I can put it on my ftp site and announce it.
Come to think of it, I haven't heard from Jason yet.
Jason: where's the first patch?
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