Re: [patch] TCP/IP delacks disabled with MPI
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:01:34 +0400 (MSK DST)


> My first use for the 'new' semantics was going to be to add it to the
> hostess_sv11 driver, and make diald automatically bring up the ISDN line when
> the leased line goes down.

Exactly. This approach is correct.

I even may tell you how to make this correctly, it was not
made only because nobody was interested in this during 2.1.

Namely, dev->link_state is separate flag. When device feels that
link state is down, it:
- downs dev->link_state
- ups dev->tbusy
- broadcasts notification via netdev_chain
(particularly, netlink catches it and notifies user level
resetting IFF_RUNNING in the message, but not touching dev->flags.)

up event is:
- ups dev->link_state
- downs dev->tbusy, mark_bh(NET_BH)
- broadcasts notification via netdev_chain
(particularly, netlink catches it and notifies user level)

> I don't want diald bringing up the backup link because the leased line just
> happens to be sending a packet when it checks.

Parse error 8)


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