Re: schedule_timeout( )

Andrea Arcangeli (
Thu, 3 Jun 1999 17:57:40 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999 wrote:

>the function schedule_timeout in sched.c does the following:
> expire = timeout + j
> init_timer(&timer);
> timer.expires = expire;
> = (unsigned long) current;
> timer.function = process_timeout;
> add_timer(&timer);
> schedule();
> del_timer(&timer);
> timeout = expire - jiffies;
>How can the timer expire, when it is deleted
>immediate after scheduling?

The the timer is there only to wakeup the task. When you reach point [xx]
you are just running so you don't need a wakeup anymore.

Note also that the timer is local in the stack so it must be deleted to
not crash into the timer irq.

>Is there an other way to set a process sleep like the one in
>version 2.0.x
> current->timeout = jiffies + t;
> current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
> schedule();
> current->timeout = 0;

current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;

Andrea Arcangeli

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