Re: Bugs in linux-2.3.4
Giacomo Amabile Catenazzi (
Fri, 04 Jun 1999 09:02:59 +0200
Riley Williams wrote:
> Hi again.
> >>> 3- Clock too fast!
> >>> When I compile, reboot and recompile I have a lots errors like this:
> >>> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.3/kernel'
> >>> make[2]: *** Warning: File `.time.o.flags' has modification time in the
> >>> future (928354045 > 928347961)
> >>> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all_targets'.
> >>> make[2]: *** Warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
> Do you run anything that would shift the system's idea of what the
> current time is? Programs such as ntpd and rdate spring to mind, but
> I'm sure there are others.
> The other way to look at this is to ask whether there were any system
> time shifts whilst you were compiling the kernel. One way to find this
> out would be to apply the following patch, then redo the make session:
> ===8<=== CUT ===>8===
> --- linux/Makefile~ Wed May 12 16:50:12 1999
> +++ linux/Makefile Thu Jun 3 17:17:41 1999
> @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
> -MAKE =make
> +MAKE =date >> ~/makeme ; make
> GENKSYMS=/sbin/genksyms
> all: do-it-all
> ===8<=== CUT ===>8===
> When the make finishes, look through ~/makeme for any datestamps that
> are out of order, then check /var/log/messages and see if there's
> anything specific that was run at that time...
> Best wishes from Riley.
I'll check this night, but It seems that all files, which are compiled
before rebooting the system, are in future (AFTER THE ROBOOT).
I think that linux clock is too fast. With a reboot
(when reading again RTC) the clock is set to the right time!
Giacomo Catenazzi
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