.ident's taking up kernel space

Dave Jones. (djones2@glam.ac.uk)
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:55:54 +0000 ( )

I noticed when looking at the uncompressed zImage, that the
compiler has inserted lots of identification stamps
(Seemingly at the end of every .o) Compiling with a -S argument,
and examining the asm output I see .ident directives at the end
of each file.

Is there a switch that can be entered into the kernel makefiles
to suppress all this, as it does take up quite a bit of space.
I tried the -Qn, and -fno-ident switches which made no difference.


| Dave 'Barc0de' Jones. djones2@glam.ac.uk |
| http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/students/djones2 |

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