Gee, it must be getting late there...
Alan Cox wrote:
> Though if you want maximum stability you should not be running a
> -ac patch.
Agreed, understood, and accepted. Your ac-patches often have tweaks
for the problems we're seeing, so they are eagerly and thankfully
received whenever posted.
> If people report bugs and expect rapid fixes to every bug they've
> forgotten <to> pick a vendor of their choice and buy a support
> contract.
very true, I hope I don't make such an unrealistic impression.
> Silence is also not "nothing occuring", often its combinations of
> reports that resolve a bug. One cases of "my computer crashed doing
> XYZ" may not help but 5 of them all with the same hardware do
right. I often work with customer support, so I understand the
process. Unfortunately the folks I deal with aren't as knowledgeable as
this crowd...
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