[patch] Riva framebuffer driver (non-working)

Jeff Garzik (jgarzik@pobox.com)
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 14:17:17 -0400

The nVidia 3D source release spurred me to hack together a kernel driver
for Riva 128/TNT/TNT2 cards... but I won't actually have a Riva card
until payday, in another few weeks. ;-)

Since I am turning back to the S3 driver, I am posting what I have, in
the hopes that kernel hackers and Riva owners can give me a little
feedback. It compiles, and the logic is 90% in place, but don't
consider it even close to working.

The driver is available as a patch against 2.3.3:


Patch notes:

* riva_decode_var needs to be implemented, smartly. This is the only
missing piece for what is needed to actually have a working driver.

* includes some patches to fbgen that I hope to eventually send to Geert

* other than that, read the FIXMEs...

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