> Title provides the same amount of information the system is providing me
> <g>. No log messages, no fanfare. Just absolute, solid lock when logging
> into X via XDM. Doesn't even respond to magic sysreq!
> Machine is a dual-PII SMP using Intel DK440LX motherboard, 128MB ram,
> built-in Adaptec UW SCSI. I've been running this box hard for two months,
> and it most assuredly doesn't happen on other kernels (e.g. 2.2.7-ac2 or
> 2.2.9).
Hmmm. And here I had thought I was doing something wrong... 8-}
Same motherboard SCSI & IDE running and different methods. Mine will lock
randomly. I had thought it was related to X and kernel 2.2.9 but it
occurred twice without X running. Has only happened with kernel 2.2.9
without any patches. I have not tried -ac or downgrading as I was hunting
for other causes.
Even weirder - Several times it locked and then "magically" came back.
During the lock time it would not ping nor was its MAC address seen on the
network. No magic sysreq keys no nothing.
> Wish I had more information to provide.
Me too....
> Steve
Matthew G. Marsh, President
Paktronix Systems LLC
1506 North 59th Street
Omaha NE 68104
Phone: (402) 932-7250
Email: mgm@paktronix.com
WWW: http://www.paktronix.com
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