Re: [kernel] Re: [linux-usb] Re: [announce] Linux Input Driver suite version 0.1.0

James H. Cloos Jr. (
07 Jun 1999 04:53:23 -0500

Hash: SHA1

|> Yes, those are the keys that use the 0xE0 prefix. X does
|> completely different numbering for them than the kernel does.

I was wondering if that were the reason, but was procrastinating
looking up the relevant docs.

Vojtech> Yes, I know about this, but wasn't able to spot where the
Vojtech> problem is yet - it happens quite seldomly. Probably some
Vojtech> race condition. Will be fixed.

Yes. Very seldom. Only 3 times so far for me.

I also have since noticed that I get occasional missed events (both
key press and mouse clicks). I tend to write such things off as not
having pressed the key/button hard enough -- and indeed the kbd is a
very cheap one (only 105-key one I could find that day) -- but the
mouse is doing it a bit as well. Still very seldom, say on the order
of once per hour of a good mix of coding/compiling/debugging, reading
mail/news and surfing. Load was high each time it happened (compiling
an RPM of gimp-1.1.6; only took 5 times to get it right, if this time
is indeed right. [SIGH])

- -JimC
- --
James H. Cloos, Jr. <> 1024D/ED7DAEA6
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