> > Why should this be a problem or a bug? I used to run NetBSD on a SS5-170
> > and you could get the LED to indicate the load! Blink once a second for
> > a load between 0-1, once every two seconds for a load between 1-2, etc.
> >
> > Pretty cool, if you ask me. They probably just changed the code the drives
> > the LED.
> >
> Damn... Makes me wanna drop the Intel computers! J/K
I have very similar things on my intel boxes.
My 486 has 12 leds connected to paralel port (and that is way cooler
than single led).
My pentium programs video into 43.5 chars vertically. I then use
incomplete last line for status indication (currently only "cpu in
use" light which changes color according to load (green - niced tasks,
yellow - normal, red - system tasks)).
Of course, hack on pentium does not work under X. I don't like X, anyway.
> Customer: I'm running Windows '98 Tech: Yes. Customer: My computer isn't
> working now. Tech: Yes, you said that.
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