This is exactly where my script is so powerfull because you will
reinstall (I did it quite a few time) EVERYTHING, including your
customisations, in a single step.
(I have two machines, each of them is used to reinstall the other
one in case of a crash)
> I think this method of installing is nice for a company, but not
> for the large public.
It's good for both because the script can be expanded in order to
engrave the customised CD and floppy that enables later press button
install, or what you call large public would go to a shop at the corner
of the street to get the machine reinstalled.
Anyway, I dont expect my script to replace existing installation
programs, just to provide an alternative: Linux provides several
alternative solutions for many main features, and that's one of it's
key qualities.
> And something you missed:
> > How is PCMCIA troubles solved ?
> >
> > Simply using a DLink DE-620 CT (Ethernet adapter connected to the
> > parallel prot) in order to achieve the NFS root capability at
> > install time.
> Some computers DO NOT have got parallel ports! (Just an USB connector
> to connect to other things. And as long as we cannot use an USB
> Ethernet adapter..... [if they exist, I dunno])
> And Linus' computer is one of those...
You're very right :-(
Hubert Tonneau
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