> > No. AFAIK coda server is unable to export existing tree. Coda likes
> > to do filesystem itself.
> Is this inherent in the design, or could it be worked around?
Probably could be worked around, I'm not a coda developer.
> I'd certainly be more inclined to use coda if I could gradually introduce
> (test) it without having to convert my existing data partitions.
I'd like that feature, too.
> Is it possible to set up a coda server which serves existing 'real'
> filesystems? An extension to podfuk, perhaps? Or should we start on
> kcodad?
Well, with podfuk any ftp server is good enough for you. Just cd
/#ftp:.../ to it ;-).
> What were the original reasons for using its own filesystem? Does it require
> metadata/functionality that POSIX filesystems don't provide?
Unknown. Look at http://coda.cs.cmu.edu/ for more information.
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