> Thanks,
> I was very skeptical that it would work. But simply installing the
> 2.2.9.uniform-ide-6.19.kilo.patch
> was sufficient to correct the problem. My system boots now regardless
This tells me that the BIOS is working and "hda's" has questionable
> of whether I enable the PIIX option. Although, I decided to use the
> kernel with it enabled, just to see if I actually get a performance
> boost out of it.
Did you get an improvement?
> The only problem I had with the 2.2.9 kernel once adding the 2.2.9.uni...
> patch is that 'make menuconfig' didn't list the option to enable mouse
> support or the 'mice' submenu. However, I found the way around the problem
> is to instead run 'make config'. Once mouse support is enabled, it shows
> up with 'make menuconfig'.
Oh well, us console geeks do it the old fashion way..........
> So now I'm a happy 2.2 kernel user. And I'm even happier to know that
> this patch is generally available, and I didn't have to do any strange
> hacks.
Rock on Bill............Like I said in the beginning it is not a SuSE
issue, it is a driver revision issue. All of this is in 2.3.6 and with a
few more test.............it will get back to 2.2.X.
Then I get a break to look at other issues.
Andre Hedrick
The Linux IDE guy
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