>>> When accessing a partition by volume label, the app must read all
>>> avaliable partition and look for the correct label. This might
>>> be undesirable.
>> Three additional seeks per boot? (And probably no seek at all in
>> the common case where only one partition is on the drive?).
> Well I have 10 partitions at home on only one disk.
Perhaps one of you can analyse my setup and advise how many extra
seeks per boot would be required:
1. /dev/hda has partitions hda1 through hda17
2. /dev/hdb has partitions hdb1 through hdb19
3. /dev/hdc has partitions hdc1 through hdc12
4. /dev/hdd is my CD-ROM drive.
5. /dev/sda has partitions sda1 through sda13
6. /dev/sdb is my parallel port ZIP-250.
In cases 1, 2, 3 and 5, /dev/?d?4 is the extended partition, and ?d?1
is a swap partition.
At a quick count, I make that 61 partitions to check on each mount...
Best wishes from Riley.
| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
* ftp://ftp.MemAlpha.cx/pub/rhw/Linux
* http://www.MemAlpha.cx/kernel.versions.html
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