> Is there in kernel something similar with VT_LOCKSWITCH to disable sysrq?
> I was playing with vlock (to make my kbdleds blink:) and if i run vlock -a
> and then do alt-sysrq-k and i loose that virtual console, but then i can
> use the other virtual consoles..
Tough. sysrq is expected to be debugging aid, and you can do much more
damage than simply killing vlock. (Remounting your disks r/o while you
are away might be good joke ;-). You do not want to have magic sysrq
enabled on machines hostile users can access.
> I want to have magic sysrq in my kernel that i can use it if
> something hangs, but i also want to lock up my vt's without logging out
> when i leave my computer alone for sometime. This kind of situation in
> coming when i goto assembly'99.
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