> [volume labels]
>>> Well I have 10 partitions at home on only one disk.
>> Perhaps one of you can analyse my setup and advise how many
>> extra seeks per boot would be required:
>> At a quick count, I make that 61 partitions to check on each
>> mount...
> Well, usually you mount all your harddisks on bootup, and I
> don't care if the system seeks a few partitions every five
> years. :-)
Agreed, but the proposed change was to make ALL mounts be by volume
name, partition-name, or some indecipherable hex number stored in the
partition headers, and that idea is a non-starter as far as I'm
> No, seriously: Most, if not all, mounts you do while the system
> is running are referencing devices anyway (/dev/fd0, /dev/cdrom,
> etc). Those few that remain usually happen shortly after
> another, and most likely at bootup, where much physical memory
> is still available.
Agreed, and I'm not worried about them as rebooting on my system is
for one of four reasons only:
1. I've just moved house.
2. There's been a power cut.
3. Some hardware has been changed. This is rare.
4. The kernel has been changed. This is rare, and usually for
security reasons or because of (3).
In each case, I can spare the time.
> So why not read in that information once at bootup, act upon it
> and throw it away after some time or when a program tells us to?
If it's only at boot time, then it's not a problem.
Best wishes from Riley.
| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |
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