Kernel is now 2.2.10, but since at least 2.2.6 using the specs file of
egcs to recompile the compiler (egcs-2.96 sources) is failing almoast(?)
at random spots...
I have now put a "kludge" into the system to see if it would help:
(while sleep 10;do sync;done)&
now it is proceeding a lot further than just a couple of hours ago...
Without using that "kludge", I had to 'make boot' some 3-4 times,
plus 'make modules' 2-3 times just earlier today when the compiler,
*some_some_shell* segfaulted.
Does the 2.2.* series contain some *known* problem of this type
which blows gcc/cc1 up pretty much at random ?
After all, I have "just" 8 GB disk where egcs compile happens,
0.5 GB RAM, and 0.25 GB swap. (Alpha 21164A/433 MHz)
/Matti Aarnio <>
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