Sorry if the attitude above is rather sarcastic, but it is more polite
than most of the posts that I received. Maybe setting a limit on the
message sizes in the majordomo server allowing someone to realize the
mistake would be a Good Thing (tm). Obviously I didn't intend to swamp
everyone's email, just provide all the facts.
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Steve Dodd wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 09:45:07PM -0400, Jason A. Pfeil wrote:
> > c0100000 A _text
> > c0100000 T _stext
> > c0100000 T stext
> [snip rest of *276k* attachment]
> Not only did you manage to post the same message twice, but one had this
> *huge* attachment. Couldn't you have just included the relevant bits, or
> posted a URL, or gzipped the damn thing?
> Sheesh.
> --
> 20962296
Jason A. Pfeil
Network Administrator
CASDL (850)644-8014; fax: (850)644-4952
Learning Systems Institute University Center C-3519 Tallahassee, FL 32306-2540
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