HB> [...]
>> And here we have MAJOR problem: there are NO easy replacements for some
>> such things used in linux kernel. Yes, it's not portable but what's can be
>> done ? EVEN if kernel is broken just stating that "such code is not portable
>> and so it's not our problem" is NOT ENOUGH. Some workaround is needed. And
>> workaround without speed loss and supported on all supported platforms !
HB> Sorry, I can't agree here. If you are fooling around with operating systems
HB> (those things usually depend intimately on the hardware they run on), a
HB> certain amount of pain caused by non-portability at the source level has to
HB> be taken into account.
Of course ! No arguments here. But if changes in egcs trigger some problems
them some way to change sources MUST be provided.
Typical discussion between Linus and egcs folks:
Linus: "Egcs x.y.z miscompiles (does not allow, etc.) the following
consturiction: <construction>".
Egcs-folks: "<construction> is wrong in first place and should not work at
all; it worked with gcc by coincident".
Linus: "No problems, I'm linux kernel guru, not egcs/gcc-guru. What's the
correct replacement for <construction> in egcs x.y.z ?"
Egcs-folks: "<construction> was wrong in first place and there are no
replacement in egcs x.y.z"
Linux: "<construction> WORKED with gcc In DOES NOT work with egcs
x.y.z . What's the replacement ?"
Egcs-folks: "<construction> was wrong in first place and there are no
replacement in egcs x.y.z"
This is UNAPPROPRIATE ! EVEN if construction was wrong and worked (on just
a few millions of computers :-) by coincident it's not excuse to not give
any replacement at all !
P.S. There are sometimes need to replace some constructions with different ones
but it's not a problem: as you rightfully noted it's expected pain. Scenario
described above -- that's why Linus is so angry on egcs folks ... Linus is
willing to change kernel sources to accomodate changes in egcs. He just not
ready to scan egcs sources to find a replacement ... He is linux kernel guru,
not egcs/gcc guru ...
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