I am currently investigating the availability and functionality
of a number of protocols for Linux. Please let me know if they are
available (in any form, even outside the standard linux kernel),
and if they aren't in the standard kernel then please tell me where
I can find them (if you can).
Transport protocols:
* Netware/IP
* Pure IP (Netware)
* ipv6 (TCP/IP). Linux is supposed to have some support for ipv6, but
in what state is the development right now?
Configuration Protocols
* SNMP (Need atleast version 1.0 supported and does it have TRAP
* SLP (Does it have Directory Agent Support?)
Access/Application Protocols
* Does the NFS implementation include a locking mechanism (NLM)?
* Netware (I would need support for up to v5.0).
If anyone knows where i can find info on these subjects that is
also very much appreciated.
Niclas Anderberg
Axis Communications AB
Lund, Sweden
email: niclasa@axis.com
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