If you pick up
you will get a Linux binary and the source code (the only docs that are current,
I'm afraid) for a tool which was designed to deal with this problem. You
can do this
lmdd of=XXX bs=10m move=120m opat=1
That says
of=XXX put the data in XXX
bs=10m do 10MB writes
move=120m stop after writing 120MB
opat=1 put a pattern in the output stream. The pattern is
a 4 byte int containing the file offset of that 4 byte
int, i.e., 0, 4, 8, 12, .....
To read it back and make sure the pattern is there
lmdd if=XXX bs=10m move=120m ipat=1
You can also read it back using random offsets within the file, something
which sometimes catches an error or two:
lmdd if=XXX bs=512 rand=120m count=1000 ipat=1
This tool has been used for this sort of stuff at a bunch of different
companies. It's very low level but it is exactly what you want.
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