The problem is in PCMCIA subsystem.
When PCMCIA is loading, you can press keyboard some times, then
it will ok. Maybe a race condition or something like.
And you can enter runlevel 1 by LILO: linux 1 , from then on,
you can do something to avoid it at next boot.
It is said upgrading to pcmcia-cs-3.0.12 will resolv this problem. I will try
it too.
Andrew McGregor wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a Toshiba Sattelite 4030 here that, with either 2.2.7 on an
> updated RedHat 5.2 or on a stock RedHat 6.0 kernel simply refuses to
> respond to the keyboard unless you either press keys all through the
> boot process, or boot it single user, type sufficiently many keystrokes
> (probably about 100) and then go multi user.
> There is nothing suspicous in the logs, and telneting into it shows that
> the interrupt counters for the keyboard and mouse do not increase.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Andrew McGregor
> IndraNet Technologies Ltd
> NrybXǧv^){.n+{zXܨ} z&j:+v`zvy杶i0۱?I
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