> > After playing with the kernel, I could enable the memory for the secondary
> > video card with this piece of code from arch/i386/kernel/bios32.c ("dev"
> > is the secondary VGA card in question):
> It is guarded by (class != VGA) && (class != IDE) because of devices of
> these classes use hardwired I/O port under normal conditions.
I guess I should have been more clear. I copied that section of code and
explicitly executed it on the matrox card. It was rather futile anyways,
the exercise I put myself through didn't fix the problem.
> > And this function would enable the secondary video card's bus mastering
> > capability:
> > pci_set_master(dev);
> I do not think that Millennium II is busmaster capable.
Okay. I simply looked at how the matrox video card was configured when it
was configured as the "primary video card" and tried to have it's PCI
setting match when it wasn't the primary.
> It is unfortunate, that you did not send full output, so I do not know, which
> regions are unused... Go to file linux/arch/i386/kernel/bios32.c before
> function pcibios_fixup_io_addr and add here (code untested...):
> /* cut... */
> /* & paste... */
Your function worked for all practical purposes. I needed to stuff the
resulting bases in dev->base_address[idx], but other than that, it
worked (I also added a "base++;" line at the end of the function).
> Maybe it helps you... But you should bug your motherboard/BIOS author
> for fix. BTW, if someone before matroxfb enables I/O and/or MMIO on
> Matrox, you must add 'video=matrox:init' parameter to kernel command-line,
> otherwise matroxfb thinks that VGA BIOS initialized Matrox properly.
I'm in the process of pestering Tyan right now... (They haven't responded
to my message yet.)
I'll take my other fbcon experiences to the linux-fbdev list.
-- Dave Zarzycki http://thor.sbay.org/~dave/ http://www.sbay.net/
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