Absolutely. PCMCIA has done that for years.
so? What does that have to do with anything? The issue is /dev.. nothing
else. In the pcmcia case every card will have it's own driver to be
loaded/unloaded. So it works. But it's still not clean: what about
multiple "hot" devices handled by one driver? How do you handle all the
different kinds of scenarios cleanly without something like devfs?
"dynamic devices" means something different in the Linux universe than
"hotpluggable devices." "dynamic devices" are those whose device
numbers move around.
please, stop throwing up strawman arguments every time and conveniently
ignoring the real issues.. What does the above have to do with what
we're talking about? In the context of this thread it's quite obvious
we're talking about device nodes that may or may not be present, and
whether a virtual dynamic /dev would be a good thing.
Whether the device numbers themselves are dynamic is transparent to
devfs, and you know it. In fact imo you need a virtual /dev to handle
dynamic device numbers cleanly.
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