> Well, the plot thickens. I tried the de4x5 driver on one of the machines
> that was giving me trouble. It works with the card I'm using, but I got
> this in the syslog (machine has been up for 8 hours, so far these are the
> only occurrance):
> Jun 17 15:42:51 linux270 kernel: eth0: Insufficient memory; nuking packet.
> Jun 17 15:43:01 linux270 last message repeated 937 times
> Jun 17 15:43:01 linux270 kernel: eth0: Insufficient memory; nuking packet.
> Jun 17 15:43:32 linux270 last message repeated 1496 times
> Jun 17 15:43:39 linux270 last message repeated 329 times
Interesting, we saw those once. Networking remained active afterwards
though - that's the important thing :-)
Did networking survive for you too?
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