> > that the linux kernel, by itself, cannot serve a high hit web site,
> > without a modification of file descriptor limits in the kernel. Since
> > their is only 1024 fd's available, as a hard limit, set in the source.
> Umm. I think you are mistaken there, certainly for apache. the 1024 is
> _per_process_. Apache doesn't use hundreds of fds per process. Zeus may
> hit the 1024 fd limit. To hit 1024 fds on apache you;d need a lot of
> static mmap files or 1000 odd different log files
I remember (thinking back) I had to up the number of processes and file
descriptors. Perhaps this had to do with CGI's and the fact that the
entire site is PHP/database backended. I was getting "Resource
temporarily unavailable. This was after I had raised MaxClients and the
hard limits in src/include/httpd.h. I had to change the ulimits for
descriptors and processes.
If 1024 people simultanously connected, and requested a page, would that
not be 1024 open files? or no? What about the sockets themselves, do
those count as fd's too?
Brian Feeny (BF304) signal@shreve.net
318-222-2638 x 109 http://www.shreve.net/~signal
Network Administrator ShreveNet Inc. (ASN 11881)
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