Re: sockfs (was: UUIDs (and devfs and major/minor numbers))
Jeff Garzik (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 11:41:07 -0400 (EDT)
On 18 Jun 1999, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> I do admit that there is a vaguely reasonable alternative at user-level: extend
> inetd to also be able to start services like sendmail, named, innd, mountd, ..
> The way this would work would be along the same lines as `sendmail_start' and
> `inn_start': inetd binds to the port, forks and passes the file descriptor as
> an argument (it would probably have to exec sendmail and such eagerly rather
> than lazily).
> I've never gotten around to adding that feature to inetd, though.
> If anyone's interested... this is not linux-kernel ground any more.
Most of these do not run out of inetd, for performance reasons. And
several systems have wrappers for this sort of thing anyway.
innd has the inndstart program, which runs as root, binds the port, then
becomes user news and loses all privs. There is a similar wrapper for
sendmail, though not many ppl use it.
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