> Logged in as user "mharris" and in my home dir, I had a dir
> called "down" owned by root.root with perms 755.
> This dir had files in it.
> As "mharris" I tried to chown the dir to mharris.mharris, and I
> got permission denied. I then tried "rm -rf down/" also as
> mharris, and it successfully let me remove the directory.
> So how is this that I can remove a dir, and all of it's files,
> owned by root, without permission, but I can't modify the
> permissions on the files? I dont understand.
> Is this a bug, or is it normal behaviour. If so, how can I chown
> files other than switching to root? Also, where is the logic in
> allowing a user to remove directories owned by root that are in a
> subdir owned by another user.
> Is this standard UNIX behaviour?
Yes, it is:
expanse: ~ 17:40:41 # mkdir ~ookhoi/down
expanse: ~ 17:41:25 # ls -ald ~ookhoi/down/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Jun 18 17:41
ookhoi $ ls -ald down/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Jun 18 17:41 down//
ookhoi $ rm -rf down/
ookhoi $ ls -ald down/
ls: down/: No such file or directory
This is because you have write-access in your homedir.
Groetjes, Ookhoi
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